
振明 《十大愿王14》心得报告

 1. In this dhamma ending age, I vow to propagate the dhamma (not as religion but part of life skill) to influence others in terms of clear mind (especially muslims) such that they can see clearly to judge and not being influence in a negative way as the pawn for personal gain of the kleptocracy, dictatorship etc in order to bring a better and peaceful world. At the same time, to the younger generations who are badly programmed in the worsening education system.

2. I will continue my practice of the 10 Great Vows and continue my daily repentance daily bow as long as my body ability permits.

【Our job is to get enlightenment and help all beings!  There will no Buddhist, Muslim as difference. Keep continue our repentance homework and practice dhamma in our daily life ! Let others notice the change on ourselves before we want to influence others.